Another Bitcoin whale transaction went smoothly through the Bitcoin blockchain, this time moving $1 billion in value in a single transfer. The move happened just as bitcoin was going through another rally, battling out the $8,700 resistance level. Also, according to the report from Bitwise and ETF Trends, 54% of financial advisors view Bitcoin’s lack of correlation to other asset classes as a reason to add the crypto asset (or one of its competitors) to client portfolios. Bitcoin, similar to gold, is a good hedge against global uncertainties like trade wars.
Justin Sun of Tron Blockchain TRX Announces a Secret Project and is trying to be intriguing. Thus, he promises to launch “a secret project that creates multibillion benefits.” TRON’s founder Justin Sun has announced a secret project related to BitTorrent and DLive.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/ktorpey/2020/01/15/heres-why-some-financial-advisors-are-adding-bitcoin-to-client-portfolios/ #7733b3e678a1
https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2020/01/15/bitcoin-is-the-new-gold-study/ #6b435a0a46e0
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