Bitcoin has had the best start to the year since 2012 and there is optimism in the market following a crash after the 2017 record high. Bitcoin was trading today over $8,800 up roughly 22% so far this year. Dan Romero, former VP at crypto exchange Coinbase, confirms that the US-headquartered trading platform has been able to move billions of dollars into Bitcoin (BTC) through the US automated clearinghouse (ACH) system. Seems Like Market is Selling Gold to Buy Bitcoin.
Bitcoin SV Blasts Ahead of Litecoin, Tether and Bitcoin Cash to Become Fourth-Largest Cryptocurrency. Bitcoin Cash has also received a bump-up going from the $260 levels right to $330 levels. It makes the competition with BSV even more intriguing since both forks are aiming at speedy transaction confirmations and large blocks.
Electroneum is Brightening Even More Lives. The WONDER Foundation (WF) and Electroneum are lending a helping hand to women and girls in Africa and India. The partnership’s aim is to give these women a better shot at life. According to a blog post, Electroneum is helping them get educated. It’s also facilitating a change of mindset.
https://medium.com/ @oliacbar/the-harrowing-story-of-sarah-in-violence-stricken-drc-and-how-the-wonder-foundation-helped-turned-88229bcd899c
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