#newkidsontheblockchain #btc #bitcoin
The New Kids On The Blockchain talk about all the latest crypto and blockchain news. This week we chat to Dan Conway, author of Confessions Of A Crypto Millionaire:
👉https://www.amazon.co.uk/Confessions-Crypto-Millionaire-Unlikely-Corporate-ebook/dp/B07VBS7Z5K 👈
We also bring the first episode of the highly informed Chris Coney from the Cryptoverse series on what it will take for crypto to get mainstream adoption.
Learn how you can get 25% discount with Crypto.com in their new event on Feb 4th. Use referral link for $50 bonus :
👉https://platinum.crypto.com/r/thenewkids 👈
Music by http://www.bensound.com
NB. All information shared here is for information only and should not be considered any kind of financial advice. Always do your own research.