Vechain updates and 2.0 in 2020. Vechain Thor is a public blockchain facilitating enterprise use cases. Its most popular projects include a food traceability solution for Walmart China, blockchain insurance solution for PICC, and liquified natural gas (LNG) management solution for ENN Energy and state-owned Shanghai Gas.
VeChain positions itself as the enabler of the mass adoption of disruptive technology. And that’s where Sunny Lu explains the need for a public chain like VeChainThor. As per Lu public blockchain is the foundation of a positive cycle. And that brings out the best of technologies like AI and IoT.
What is Vechain?
VeChain 2.0 Integrating Decentralized Finance Operations
Blockchain In Agriculture And Food Supply Chain Market Set To Witness An Uptick During 2020-2029 : Leading Players – SAP SE, Origintrail
Important Supply Chain Projects Running on Blockchain
Vechain Hack and Aftermath
What Challenges Blockchain for Supply Chain Market May See in Next 5 Years
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