Where in the Code Does the Halving Take Place? How does the Bitcoin software decide when to cut the block reward? How does it calculate the correct reward?
This question is from the bonus Q&A session on the Halving, which took place on May 2nd, 2020. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to ask questions in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a Community Builder on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aantonop
Related Videos:
Bitcoin Q&A: What Will Be The Effect Of The 2020 Halving? - https://youtu.be/2TiAPAYY0NA
Bitcoin Q&A: The 21 million supply cap - https://youtu.be/AABkJ55Zz3A
Bitcoin Q&A: What happens to transaction fees when the block reward is zero? - https://youtu.be/FffX32ENGKc
Advanced Bitcoin Scripting -- Part 1: Transactions & Multisig - https://youtu.be/8FeAXjkmDcQ
Advanced Bitcoin Scripting -- Part 2: SegWit, Consensus, & Trustware - https://youtu.be/pQbeBduVQ4I
Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a best-selling author, speaker, educator, and highly sought after expert in Bitcoin and open blockchain technologies. Andreas has written two best-selling technical books for programmers, “Mastering Bitcoin” and “Mastering Ethereum”. He has published “The Internet of Money” series of books, which focus on the social, political, and economic importance and implications of these technologies. He is known for making complex subjects easy to understand and highlighting both the positive and negative impacts these technologies can have on our global societies.
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MASTERING BITCOIN, 2nd Edition: https://amzn.to/2xcdsY9
Translations of MASTERING BITCOIN: https://bitcoinbook.info/translations-of-mastering-bitcoin/
MASTERING ETHEREUM: https://amzn.to/2xdxmlK
THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v1: https://amzn.to/2ykmXFs
THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v2: https://amzn.to/2IIG5BJ
THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v3: https://aantonop.io/tiomv3
Translations of THE INTERNET OF MONEY:
Spanish, 'Internet del Dinero' (v1) - https://amzn.to/2yoaTTq
German, 'Das Internet des Geldes' (v1) - https://amzn.to/2LEiyqO
German, 'Das Internet des Geldes' (v2) - https://amzn.to/2VCzse5
French, 'L'internet de l'argent' (v1) - https://www.amazon.fr/Linternet-largent-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/2856083390
Vietnamese, 'Internet Của Tiền Tệ' (v1) - https://alphabooks.vn/khi-tien-len-mang
Music: "Unbounded" by Orfan (https://twitter.com/grassfedbitcoin )