#newkidsontheblockchain #cobaltlend #crypto
This week The New Kids On The Blockchain are out and about in the world of crypto and blockchain and on this weeks show our Featured Project isCobalt Lend, examine if Paypal is actually good for crypto adoption, chat top Chris Coney about how to onboard people safely into Crypto and we discuss Marksman Investments inability to allow people to withdraw their deposits. We always worried this one could be a Ponzi Scheme and we are starting to fear thats exactly what it is. We show a live wallet withdrawal that fails and discuss what we have discovered so far. Support shut down, emails not answered and phones engaged. Doesn't sound good !
🎥Show running Order🎥
00:00 - 1:52 - Intro
1:52 - 5:07 - Crypto / Blockchain News
5:07 - 6:30 - Crypto.Com News
6:30- 13:00 - Featured Project ‘Cobalt lend’
13:00 - 20:14 - Crypto Education ' Chris Coney on Onboarding people safely into crypto
20:14 - 21:20 - Blockchain Events 'Blockdown 3'
21:20 - 25:07 - Outro including Marksman Withdrawal issues
👉 Crypto.com Signup Bonus code 👈
$50 sign-up bonus *terms apply see website
👉 Cobalt Lend 👈
👉 The Gem Hunters👈
👉 3Commas sign-up code 👈
Music by http://www.bensound.com& ;#13;
NB. All information shared here is for information only and should not be considered any kind of financial advice. Always do your own research.