PHOENIX, ARIZONA - January 17th 2022: RetroKydz brings you an interesting opportunity to re-live your childhood. It offers to recreate the peaceful experience of your infant years that were marked by freedom from all sorts of worries, grudges, and competition. It is rolling out 2000 exclusive, mintable, retro style 3D pixelated NFTs in the market that will enable the holders to become part of a mental health community on the blockchain technology.
These beautifully designed NFTs seem to be very promising because the fast-paced, competitive, and busy lifestyle of the modern era has deprived many of mental peace and genuine friendships. In fact, results from the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey highlighted that 1 in 6 adults experience a common mental health problem such as anxiety or depression every week, and 1 in 5 adults have considered taking their own life at some point. The irony is that many such cases go undiagnosed and amongst those identified, many hesitate to seek professional help due to the stigma attached.
Under such circumstances, the RetroKydz NFTs will serve as badges that can be worn with pride because they do not signify that the holders have a problem, rather serve as a representation of the fact that the NFT owners stand for equality, peace, love, harmony, mental health, and above all, humanity. These NFTs will help develop virtual friendships and provide the members with a platform where they can vent out their emotions. In simple terms it can be said that they will serve as tokens of membership to a community of 2000 where people will have a chance to talk about their specific mental health issues and also their daily life struggles that leave them depressed or disturbed. By sharing their problems, the members will be able to seek help and advice from each other. Although connectivity appears to be a major challenge, RetroKydz has this sorted out as well. It plans to keep the members connected via regular Zoom calls so that healthy relations and bonds can be developed without any geographical barriers or mobility issues.
The utilities of these NFTs are numerous as the holders will be able to get early access to the upcoming projects and special offers. The best part is that the members will also have access to mental health professionals’ expert advice. These professionals will be making group calls on Discord from time to time to talk about important matters and provide counselling with regards to any significant event - if needed. Besides all this, the community members will have access to a dedicated channel where motivational quotes and encouraging words will be shared to boost up morale.
Given their usefulness, it is very likely that these NFTs will sell out soon so hurry up and make a purchase before it is too late. Each NFT costs 50 ADA and can be purchased on the Cardano blockchain. The process to go about it is pretty simple: Minting has already begun; you just need to send ADA equivalent to the number of NFTs you want to purchase on the address provided at Retrokydz’ website. In order to give everyone a fair chance, RetroKydz has kept a maximum purchase limit of 20 NFTs per transaction.
One thing to remember when making the transaction is that the ADA should be sent through a wallet that supports Cardano NFTs or else you will not receive your NFT token. In case the NFTs are sold out by the time your payment is received, or you accidentally end up paying more or less than the exact amount, your ADA will be returned so you can make the transaction without worrying about any loss or mishap.
For further details:
Email: Myles Sheldon
Information Provided via Press Release
Distributed by Global Crypto Press Association